Blackberry and Rose Roulade

I made my first fresh berry roulade when I was an exchange student in Japan, it was a recipe that came with the microwave and convection oven that I bought. “Roll cake” as they call it in Japan is a very popular treat, you can buy them at any supermarket or even at convenience stores. IRead more

Strawberry Basil Cake with Vanilla Cream

Cakes are so celebratory, which is the perfect reason to make one to celebrate mother’s day. This cake is actually a shout-out to one of my first popular posts back in 2011, the Strawberry Shortcake: my version. It was a cake inspired by the popular Japanese style strawberry shortcake. Back in 2011, blogging was a meansRead more

French Regional Cooking: Provence

Haven’t updated my blog for a long time. After my last Cookshop experience, my other friend and I decided to try the French cooking. Everything tasted pretty good, I thought. We were divided into groups where each group was responsible for different dishes. Here was the menu: Olive tapenade on crostini Bouillabaisse – Classic FrenchRead more

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