With all cookbooks, even in the most well-edited ones, there are bound to be human errors. I apologize in advance if you have tried to make a recipe in the French Pastry 101 and that it may not have worked for you, the measurement inconsistency in volume and grams might be the reason. (The main reason why I prefer baking in grams whenever possible.) However if you encounter any problems at all with baking or have any questions about the book, you are more than welcome to shoot me an email or leave a comment here and I will gladly answer them 🙂
Here are some corrections, where the corrected errors are in bold. These will be corrected in the second print of the book.
- Langue de Chat (p. 30) the cake flour is 1/3 cup +  3 tbsp (85 g), the lukewarm liquid browned butter is to be folded with the sliced almonds
- Traditional Pâte Feuilletée (p. 95) the all-purpose flour is 3-1/2 cup (500 g)
- Chocolate Torte (p. 118) the sugar is 1/2 cup + 3 tbsp (150 g), divided
- Gâteau Basque (p. 122) the all-purpose flour is 1-3/4 cup (250 g)
- Kugelhopf (p. 141) the kirsch is 1/4 cup (60 g)
Happy baking!Â

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