Spiced Madeleines with Salted Caramel Sauce & French Appetizers Giveaway

I love madeleines, they are one of the most iconic French pastries. When I received the book French Appetizers from Marie, the fellow Canadian food blogger of Food Nouveau I was so excited to try the Spiced Madeleines with Salted Caramel Sauce recipe. Marie is so inspirational in many ways, she is a mother, she sharesRead more

Sesame Kumquat Financiers

Sesame Kumquat Financiers

It has been while since my last post as I have been working on a very exciting project – more to come. Meanwhile, I want to share a new cookbook by Marie Asselin, Simply Citrus. Marie is the blogger of Food Nouveau, and she lives in Quebec City, Canada. I first followed her on Instagram,Read more

Toasted Buckwheat and Chopped Chocolate Sablés

I remember the first cookbook I bought – I was a teenager on a summer vacation in Hong Kong. Browsing in a bookstore, I picked up a Chinese pastries cookbook. In fact, I still have that book, sometimes I’d make the steamed buns recipe. That was how my love for cookbooks started, my collection continues multiply, especiallyRead more

Raspberry and Plum Jam

The summer is a season of harvest and preserving. It feels especially rewarding when I get to open a little jar of summer in the cold winter months. Nothing beats the flavour and taste of homemade jams. I was very excited when I received a review copy of Best of Bridge Home Preserving:120 Recipes for Canning Fruits &Read more

S’mores Éclairs – The S’mores Cookbook

S’mores is many people’s childhood favourite. They remind me summer family BBQ’s, because someone will always bring giant marshmallows to roasted at the end. I still remember the first time I had a roasted marshmallow, I thought it was the best caramelized sweet I’ve ever tasted. S’mores was the best part the BBQ, nothing canRead more

Peach and Mango Parfait

This recipe is super easy, yet very tasty and healthy. Since peaches and mangoes are in season, this tastes even better. The recipe was adapted from Andre Jourdan’s 150 Best Desserts in a Jar, published by Robert Rose. The book contains many creative recipes, such as puddings, parfaits, jellies etc. that are fun and easy to prepare.Read more

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