Long time no see, my friends! It has been a while since my last post. I have been spending my time mostly with work – covid style of course. It seems like preparations for the next thing never ends. Don’t get me wrong, I am extremely grateful that our business is doing ok with everythingRead more
Memories of Paris 2016
This year would be my third time in Paris. Working in a French bakery with an exceptionally generous owner, I am lucky to tag along to go with Paris with sponsored accomodation. In the past two years I’ve done pastry courses to broaden my professional skills and knowledge, so I haven’t had the opportunity toRead more
Paris Adventure 2: The Pastry Tour
I have not forgotten my blog! I am finally “ready” to write the long due second part of my first ever trip to Paris. The purpose of the trip was half for work where I went to a pastry school for a breads course (read about my inspiring experience here!) and half was for justRead more
Paris Adventure 1: Bread Training Scholarship
Bonjour! It has been a while since I’ve updated my blog, the year 2014 started off particularly busy for me, as if I was experiencing a whole year in 3 months of time. My friend and I participated in the Baker’s Market for the third time, work was busy, went to New York for vacationRead more